Future Perfect

A comparison between the Future Perfect Simple and the Future Perfect Progressive

By the end of this course, I will have learned all the tenses. (future accomplishments – the emphasis is on the achievement itself and the result).

By the end of this course, I will have been studying English for 6 months. (process with result in the future – the emphasis is on the activity). 

By 2012, I will have been in New York for 15 years. (how long a situation will be true until a point in time in the future).

By 2012, I will have been working for this company for 15 years. (an activity from the present until a point in time in the future). 
By the end of next week, we will have been to Haifa and Tel Aviv, but we will not have visited Jerusalem yet. (task completion until a point in time in the future).  

By the end of next week, we will have been touring Israel for a month. (an activity from the present until a point in time in the future). 

By 17:00, I will have prepared the food, called the guests, but I will not have made the cake. (task completion until a point in time in the future).

 By 17:00, I will have been working in the k itchen preparing food for 5 hours straight. (an activity from the present until a point in time in the future).

By December, the weather will have become colder. (completed changes until a point in time in the future). 

By December, the temprature will have been decreasing rapidly. (an activity from the present until a point in time in the future).

I assume that by the end of December, it will have rained at least 10 times and the Kinneret will be quite full. (how many times something will have happened until a point in time in the future).

I assume that by the end of December, it will have been raining in Israel for at least two months. (process with result in the future – the emphasis is on the activity and how long it will be). 

Future Perfect Simple

Future Perfect Progressive

situations true from the present until a point in time in the future

a singular action that will have been completed by a point in time in the future and influence it. 

how many times an action will have been performed until a certain point in time in the future

the emphasis is on the result of the action in the future

actions originating from the present that will have been completed by a point in time in the future

multiple actions completed until a point in time in the future\a process

length of time of an action until a point in time in the future

the emphasis is on the activity and what’s going on around it

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