
Future Simple

We use the Future Simple to talk about:

  1. Something decided at the time of speaking. 
  2. Offers. 
  3. Promises. 
  4. Agreeing\refusing to do something. 
  5. Asking someone to do something. 
  6. Predictions based on experience or personal opinion. 
  7. General statements in the future which aren’t arrangements\intentions.
  8. General sentences with will be.
Did you take the trash out? No, I’ll do it now. (decided at time of speaking)  

We’re hungry! No problem, I’ll go and buy us some food from the shop. (decided at time of speaking)

a) I’m really tired, do you think you can… b) No problem; I’ll help you with it. (offer)

I’ll watch the kids this Saturday, you go have fun. (offer)

I won’t tell Ben what you said, I promise! (promises)

I promise I’ll help you as much as I can. (Promises)

a) Can you lend me a hand? b)O.K. I’ll watch the kids this Saturday, no prob. (agreeing to do something)

I won’t sit in the same room with him, I’m sorry! (agreeing to do something)

Will you help me with the bags? (agreeing)  

Will you turn the volume down, please? (agreeing)  

If you ask me, he’ll win the elections. (prediction)

Next year, we’ll have better weather. (prediction)

When will we find out who the winner is? (general statements about the future)

When you finish it, you’ll feel better. (general statements about the future)

I will be a student \ She will be happy.(will be sentences)

They will be here. (will be sentences)

Future Simple Structure:

I’ll (I will) study at Bright English.

I won’t study at Bright English.

Will I study at Bright English?

Yoni and I will (we’ll) study at Bright English.

We won’t study at Bright English.

Will we study at Bright English?

You’ll (you will) study at Bright English.

You won’t study at Bright English. 

Will you study at Bright English?

The men will (they’ll) study at Bright English.

They won’t study at Bright English.

Will they study at Bright English?

Ben will (he’ll) study at Bright English.

He won’t study at Bright English.

Will he study at Bright English?

Maya will (she’ll) study at Bright English.

She won’t study at Bright English.

Will she study at Bright English?

The computer will (it’ll) study well.

It won’t study well. 

Will it study well?

Future Simple Rules:

subject + will + v1

  • We use will to make questions. 
  • We use won’t to make negatives. 
  • Will and won’t are used for all pronouns. (I, we, you, they, he, she, it + will\won’t) 
  • The auxiliary will (Helping verb) cancels conjugation. (He likes chocolate – he will like chocolate)
  • To predict the future we often use phrases such as: I bet, I reckon (informal), probably, I suppose, I guess, I imagine, I think, I wonder, I’m sure.

I bet he’ll win | I reckon it’ll stop raining soon | I imagine the concert hall will be full | I’ll probably find a solution.

Advanced grammatical points:

  • We cannot use the Present Simple in sentences like in example 1. {I’ll go and buy us some food from the shop (correct) , not I go and buy us some food from the shop (incorrect)
  • We often use I think I’ll or I don’t think I’ll when we decide to do something. 
  • We can use Shall instead of Will with the pronouns I, we. In particular when it comes to questions. (Shall I open the window? Shall we go? I shall tell him to stop visiting. We shall help him.) This is generally more common in British English or formal English. We don’t naturally use shall with other pronouns. 
  • We generally use -Going to- in order to describe arrangements or intentions yet in formal style we prefer –will- for future events that have been previously arranged in some detail. (The meeting will begin at 12:00; Refreshments will be available from 12:30 onwards. BUT –  I’m going to talk at the meeting today.) 
  • Will be negatives and questions are made differently than all other sentences in the Future Simple.  (I will not be a student\ will I be a student) 

Common time expressions and frequency adverbs in the Present Simple

Next _____ (week, month, year etc.), tomorrow,

Soon, in the future, this ____ (morning, afternoon, evening etc.), in an____ (a minute, hour etc.)

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